
The Sliding House

As an agency that specialises in the construction industry, we see a lot of unique buildings here at CIB. Nevertheless, this house in Margate, designed by artist Alex Chinneck, really is something else!

Situated in the sleepy seaside town of Margate – this mid-19th century house has been designed to deliberately look as if the front has slid away from its original location, sloping into the front garden.

The £100,000 project, called 'From the knees of my nose to the belly of my toes', was unveiled in October 2013 and for the coming year will be used as a public art exhibition.

Chinneck’s other projects include “Telling the truth through false teeth,” in which the artist installed 1248 pieces of glass across the front of a factory in Hackney to create the illusion that its 312 windows had been identically smashed.

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