
Breaking things down with Veolia

Throughout our work with Veolia Water Technologies UK (VWT UK), infographics and animation have always been tools we have used. However, in early 2021 we were challenged with really utilising these media to develop a whole range of new content for use during an environmental campaign.

Alice Straker Account Manager

Alice Straker22.08.2022

Veolia Water Technologies UK (VWT UK) is without doubt my most technical client. From technologies that remove micropollutants from municipal wastewater to systems that produce high purity water for laboratory environments and even water for injection (WFI), VWT UK’s product range is incredibly wide and each technology has its own scientific intricacies. Often a science lesson is needed before any feature can begin.

Given the level of detail that the company’s products necessitate, we have often been challenged to create more bite-sized assets, alongside traditional PR content, to summarise the key points in a far more digestible way. This is key for use on VWT UK’s social channels and website landing pages where word counts are restricted and information needs to be easily digestible and eye-catching.

In 2021 we were challenged to take a handful of existing environmentally focused project case studies and create as many new assets as we could for use on social channels and online. For example, we had already drafted a case study and created a case study video about VWT UK’s pioneering glycol removal project at Heathrow Airport, but we further adapted that content into an easily digestible infographic on the technology, as well as a longer, eye-catching animation. Therefore, creating two additional assets to present that story, and the technology used, to VWT UK’s audience.

With such detailed content, making sure that you extract the right information for more digestible assets is always tricky. However, having worked closely with VWT UK over the last three years, written extensively about its technologies, and having a good relationship with many client contacts in-house, we are able to extract the right information and help VWT deliver its products to a wider audience.

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